As we reported earlier, Simon Cowell will take his overs to France. Cheryl Fernandez-Versini flies off to Rome with her groups. Rita Ora will take her girls to Los Angeles and the boys will probably be disappointed in joining Nick Grimshaw in Manchester!
Now we are hearing news of who will be helping the judges.

Pop star Jess Glynne is joining X Factor’s Cheryl Fernandez-Versini in Rome with the group.

Simon Cowell will take his final six overs to a French chateau accompanied by One Direction star Louis Tomlinson.

Rita Ora's guest judge will be Meghan Trainor, the voice behind hits including All About That Bass.

Finally, DJ and producer Mark Ronson is expected to help Nick Grimshaw choose his finalists in Manchester. This is yet to be confirmed.
Sounds an exciting line up to us, we can all look forward to the judges House locations in a few weeks, well perhaps with the exception of Manchester!
Six Chair Challenge starts this Sunday at 7pm, need a reminder of who went through, we have the list of contestants here.