Simon Cowell's love of cars - especially fast cars is no secret. He has appeared on Top Gear twice. Simon has owned prestige cars like a Ferrari, Bugatti Veyron, Aston Martin and his new Porsche, as well as several Rolls Royce and Bentleys.
Now Simon is looking at producing a show to rival the popular series for television.

A source told The Sun newspaper 'Simon has always been a huge car lover - and a car show is always something he has been interested in doing.
He loves talking cars and right now there feels like an especially large appetite. The idea of a new car show is really a no-brainer for him.'

Earlier this year we reported the X Factor has been shelved after dominating Saturday night television for 17 years, so new ventures for Simon are sure to follow. Already a new music type show has been announced Walk the Line - You can find out more and how to take part on this link and win a huge prize pot.

Would you like to see Simon Cowell launch a new type of car show? Let us know below in the comments.