In a NEW interview Simon Cowell and his girlfriend Lauren Silverman talk about family life.
Speaking about his 20-month-old son, Simon said: “Fatherhood gives your life purpose. You can work flat out for years, but having a child gives you a different perspective, purpose and an understanding.”

“Now that he’s communicating, it’s much easier for me to be involved."
“I didn’t know what to say to him when he was six months old but now he listens, talks, responds - I think he’s very advanced.
“He understands a lot. He loves music and really responds to it.”
He’s walking, talking - he’s turning into me.”.
Lauren agreed with Simon telling Hello magazine “He even dislikes the same foods as Simon - it’s uncanny. He won’t eat eggs, cheese or sweet potatoes. I even bought a variety that looked like white potatoes but he spat it out.”