Just Simon Cowell

Jun 5

Simon Cowell launches search for new boyband

Updated: Jun 11

Simon Cowell launches a search for a new boyband after the phenomenal success of One Direction who were put together during X Factor. in 2010.

Wearing dungarees and carrying a paste bucket, Simon started his search by putting up a poster in London for the launch.

Simon issued a statement saying:

“Every generation deserves a megastar boyband and I don’t think there has been one to have the success of One Direction in over 14 years.

“The industry tends to focus on solo artists - so it usually takes someone from outside to put a group together. Nothing beats the fun of being in a group, touring the world and performing for thousands – and it’s also a brilliant launchpad for a solo career.

“When you have a great group, it’s like lightning in a bottle but there’s no magic formula and a fair bit of luck involved!”

“There’s always a high degree of risk and I genuinely have no idea what’s going to happen! We might uncover an incredible group; we might not get there.

“What if no one shows up to auditions? That could be awkward. There is no guaranteed path to success – anything can happen, but that’s what’s exciting for me and that’s why I’m doing this.”

Auditions are scheduled in cities across the UK, kicking off in Newcastle (4th & 5th July) and followed by Liverpool (7 & 8 July), Dublin (28th & 29th July) and London (1st, 2nd & 3rd August.

Applicants must be between 16 - 18 years of age

Applications to audition for the boyband can be made here: Apply to audition